Premier Pet Sites
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Pets Give Purpose!

Looking for reliable information; caring companion for your cat or dog while you're away?
Pet friendly lodging, kennels or camps?

Serving the Mid Cape, Upper Cape, Plymouth & southeastern Mass.

Adopt a Pet!

Animal Rescue League of Boston - Brewster

MSPCA - Centerville

Habitat for Cats (New Bedford) - Adopt a Cat

CLAWS of Mashpee - Adopt a Cat
~ A group of residents concerned with the welfare of abandoned and needy cats in the Town of Mashpee organized in 1996 as a non-profit charitable corporation. Known as CLAWS (Cats Lost And Wanting Shelter), this organization provides foster care to cats within our members’ homes, while we work to place these wonderful companions with new owners in indoor only homes. - no longer operating.

All Cape Parrot Rescue - no longer operating.

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