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maxm consulting specializes in Internet-based solutions for businesses.

10 Questions to Ask Your WWW Page Designer

  1. How much experience have they had, and are there some WWW sites on line that you can view?
       ? Often people have picked up a program to enable them to write the HTML code needed for WWW pages, but they have never put together a complete site.
       ? Look at their sites, find out what they were trying to accomplish, decide if you like what they did.
  2. How do they charge? WWW Designers typically charge in one of three ways:
       + by the hour,
       + by the job,
       + or by the page/month.
  3. What is included in that rate?
       ? Is image scanning extra? How much do they charge per image?
       ? Do they provide page hosting services? How much?
       ? Do they provide announcement services? How much?
       ? Do they charge extra for updates to the pages? How much?
       ? Can they create graphic images for you? How much?
       ? Must you provide all advertising copy?
  4. How many years experience with the Internet have they had?
       ? Using the Internet?
       ? Using the WWW?
       ? Writing for the WWW?
    Note: Anyone who claims use of the WWW before 1992 had better be Tim Berners-Lee or Marc Andreeson!
  5. Must I sign up with the ISP (Internet Service Provider) where my pages are hosted?
  6. Do you validate the HTML code to a standard? Which standard?
  7. What browsers do you check the pages under?
  8. Can you provide me with email forms? What about other forms and programs?
  9. What about other uses of the Internet like FTP, Gopher, WAIS, etc.? How can they be used as part of the Internet marketing approach?
  10. How can I improve my traditional advertising with a WWW site?

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